February 6, 2017
10 Gifs for Cosmetologists

There are just some things that people who aren’t cosmetologists don’t understand. Here are 10 gifs for you, cosmetologists. We understand you.
When a Client Went to Another Salon Between Your Appointments
When the Shampoo Bowl Nozzle Gets Out of Control
When a Client Breaks Up With You
When a Client Says, “I will just trim my bangs at home!”
When You Have a Free Saturday
When a Client Sends in 3 References
When You Get the Perfect Tone on a Blonde
Your Client After a Bouncy Blowout
When a Client Leaves a Fantastic Tip
When You Hear the Front Desk Say, “Yeah, they’re available for a walk in!”
Remember ladies and gents, tip your stylist! Do you have a favorite gif out of this group? Which one is it? Do you have a gif that needs to be on our list? Share with us on Facebook!