August 15, 2019
Domestic Violence Education for Illinois Beauty Professionals

Whether it’s someone that you know personally or a passerby in the street, there’s almost a guarantee that you’ve come in contact with a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault. Sadly, every 15 seconds there is a woman who is beaten in the U.S. alone. The reality of it is extremely sobering, however there is hope that we can help these victims recover and find the help they need. To try and change these statistics, the state of Illinois now requires those who are pursuing a professional salon career to take a domestic violence continuing education (CE) credit. This includes cosmetologists, cosmetology teachers, estheticians, esthetic teachers, nail technicians, nail technology teachers, hair braiders, and hair braiding teachers.
Domestic Violence in Illinois
Domestic violence and sexual assault is a growing problem in our world. In 2014, Illinois alone had almost 65,800 intimate violence incidents reported to law enforcement. However, there are always many cases that go unreported every day. Luckily in the last decade, the government’s involvement and response has increased in helping solve this ever growing problem. But they can’t do it alone! We also need to choose to be a part of the solution.
Why the Salon Professional?
Within the past year, the state of Illinois has required salon professionals and beauty school students to take a CE course before they renew or obtain their license. The salon professional builds friendship and trust with their clients because of the intimate and nurturing environment that they create. This often times will lead to clients sharing information about domestic violence or sexual assault. The client may not even have to say anything, though they will show physical signs of abuse.
Most victims of abuse won’t go to the authorities, but will tell someone that they trust. Many times, a client will naturally and almost unquestioningly trust a beauty professional because they are trained to listen and be involved with their clients. Additionally, a salon may be one of the safest places a victim can seek out help, as it may be one of the few places she can go without her abuser.
These are just a few of the reasons why the state of Illinois is requiring a course on domestic violence.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Awareness Education
According to the state of Illinois, there are certain requirements for the CE on Domestic Violence and sexual assault education. You can view the full requirements here. Here’s what topics will be included in your class.
- Basic information on domestic violence and sexual assault along with statistics, types of abuse, behaviors, barriers to seeking help, confidentiality issues, etc.
- How the aforementioned information applies within the context of cosmetology, nail technology, esthetics, or hair braiding salon or practices.
- Providing licensees with resources to help victims with available options. This will include listening and communication skills, recognizing abuse, and helping support and offer victims proper resources.
If you need help finding a certified CE course for the state of Illinois, you can find more information here.
Helping Others Find Help
One of the most wonderful benefits to becoming a beauty professional is having the capability to help others. Whether you’re in the professional world, attending beauty school, or just considering the possibilities of working towards a potential career in the industry, there are so many people and lives you can influence for the better.
Do you want to influence people’s daily lives for the better? Learn more about the beauty programs we offer at Hair Professionals Career College to discover all the different ways you can.
If you are a victim of domestic violence in Illinois, please call the 24 hour hotline at 800-799-7233.
If you are a victim of sexual assault in Illinois, pleace call 217-348-5033 or 888-345-2846