December 8, 2016
Fleece for NICU

Hair Professionals Career College is proud to be a part of our local community. Every few months, we raise money for several charities and causes. From October to November 25th, we raised money to make fleece blankets for the neonatal intensive care unit of a local hospital. Our Student Council made it one of their responsibilities to help give back to Illinois.
Why We Do It
We were driven to help infants because one of our students lost her daughter there in 2015 on November 26th. We realized the demand for warm blankets at the hospital, so we took it upon ourselves to do our part. We believe that the good deeds we put into the community will come back to us, and giving just makes us smile!
How We Do It
From October to November, we raised money in our school by wearing colors! Our dress code here at Hair Pros is all black. On the days that our students wanted to spruce up their OOTD, they paid a dollar per colorful item added to their uniform. In the end, we raised over $400 to buy fleece!
Several students banded together to hand-create these warm blankies. On November 26th, 2016, we hand-delivered these blankets to the NICU of the hospital. As an expression of our gratitude for local heroes, we also brought sandwiches to serve for dinner to the nurses in the unit.
How to Be a Part of It
Are you interested in getting involved in what we do at Hair Pros for Illinois? Join us! You can give back to our community and learn at the same time by enrolling in one of our programs. Check them out to see what we can offer. Another way is to participate in events and charities that we hold for the public. Give us a call and we can tell you what events are coming up.
If you’re interested in helping students learn and grow as professionals and productive members of society, make sure to drop by at our student salon*. We’re always looking forward to helping someone feel beautiful.
*All salon services are performed by students while supervised by licensed professionals.