March 22, 2018
Our Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Cosmetologist

Are you interested in a career as a cosmetologist? Well, then you have come to the right place! Welcome to our ultimate guide to becoming a cosmetologist. Here you will find answers to common questions you might have, possible career options, quizzes, advice, and even some relatable humor only a cosmetologist would get!
What Does a Cosmetologist Do?
Cosmetologists are a key part of the beauty industry. But what exactly does a cosmetologist do? Are they just hairstylists? What services can a cosmetology provide? Find out these answers and more about what it takes to be a cosmetologist here!
3 Signs Cosmetology Might Be Your Calling
We can spend our whole life searching for our calling. Yours could be right in front of you! Cosmetology could give you everything you may want in a career. Read these three signs the universe is giving you to follow your passion.
Why is Cosmetology School a Good Choice?
Choosing to further your education can be a daunting task, especially when you aren’t sure which education is right for you. Finding your perfect education experience largely depends on your interests, passions, and drive. Learn why cosmetology school could be exactly what you are looking for here!
Where Can a Licensed Cosmetologist Work?
Once you have your cosmetology license what is the next step? There are so many different career options to choose from, but which one is right for you and your skills? Check out our blog to find out where your cosmetology license can take you.
5 Scenarios Every Stylist Should Know How to Handle
As a cosmetologist, you can find yourself in so many different situations. Some can be easier to handle than others. What’s important is that you learn how to handle each one like a champ. Check out our advice on how to handle these five common scenarios as a stylist!
Why Should a Cosmetologist Learn Business Skills?
When you think of a successful cosmetologist your first thought probably isn’t how business savvy they are. You’d be surprised! To become a successful cosmetologist, you will likely need these business skills. Find out why here!
10 Gifs for Cosmetologists
They say that a picture is worth 1,000 words. But how much is a gif worth? These 10 gifs that only a cosmetologist will understand will have you laughing in agreement and saying, “true!” Laugh along with us.
Cosmetology or Esthetics? What’s the Difference?
While both cosmetology and esthetics live in the beauty industry, they both have some major differences. They both bring something to the table that the other one doesn’t. Many people choose to license in both cosmetology and esthetics! Read more about what their differences are here!
Become a Cosmetologist
Now that you have more information on what the life of a cosmetologist looks like and what your future could be, contact Hair Professionals Career College online today! Schedule a virtual tour, request information about financial aid*, and find out how you can enroll in our cosmetology program. We can’t wait to help you begin your journey into this amazing industry!
*Financial aid is available to those who qualify